Posts Tagged 'islam in sweden'

The Islamization of Earth — starting with Sweden

Unless Sweden’s founding fathers planned to convert Sweden to Islam, one has to wonder what this country’s leaders have been thinking (or smoking) over the past few decades. The Swedish government has worked hard to marginalize the role of the family, the individual, the church and the sexes. And they have succeeded. But to what end? If one is to believe population statistics the answer is the complete obliteration of Swedish culture – including their cherished gender equality and oft abused tolerance of just about anything except tax evasion.

It is estimated that in 40 years Sweden will be an Islamic republic. No kidding. The majority of Swedes will be Muslim. It is unlikely that Sweden’s new majority will separate church and state. To the contrary. And what consequences will that bring? Can topless beaches and the Koran coexist?

Resistance is futile: Helena Benauoda is Sweden's most media-present convert to Islam. If you can't beat 'em...

Resistance is futile: Helena Benauoda is Sweden's most media-present convert to Islam. If you can't beat 'em...

This Muslim conversion is occurring all across Europe. It’s a cycle that seems to work something like this: The indigenous population are too busy working, contributing to their welfare state and lifestyling to have kids or apply any degree of critical thinking to their government’s short-sighted policies. This creates an economic vacuum which is filled by immigrants from the Middle East. They enter the country and are not so bothered about contributing to the welfare state as they are benefiting from it. The government allows them to work less than the indigenous population while they reproduce at a staggeringly higher rate. Their numbers are fueled by a welfare state whose generosity and tolerance knows no bounds. This obliges the indigenous population to work even harder and pay even more taxes to support the growing numbers of immigrants. A recent report from CBN news about Sweden’s third largest city reports unemployment in Muslim areas to be as high as 70% and says “Malmö has been so accommodating toward immigrant Muslims that a local Muslim politician, Adly Abu Hajar, has declared that “The best Islamic state is Sweden!”.”

Brisk burkini sales are predicted in Sweden this summer

Brisk burkini sales are predicted for Sweden this summer

Like many things in Sweden, the irony borders on the absurd. Anyone in Sweden who endorses traditional Christian values or the preservation of Swedish culture are stigmatized by the media as fascist and bigoted. Basically they are sidelined to allow an influx of people who endorse traditional Muslim values and the preservation of Arabic culture. A culture, incidentally, which is pretty much at odds with most of the core values that Swedes claim set them a peg above any nation on Earth.

By and large the Swedes I speak to have pretty clear and open prejudices against Muslims. But behind the racist remarks and demeaning ridicule is the same ambivalence that characterizes the Swedish persona in the face of adversity: They accept their political impotence and get on with honing their lifestyle.

Am I upset about this? No. Not at all. You can not blame people for wanting a better life for themselves and their children. For many Muslim immigrants that is exactly what Sweden offers – no strings attached. If the Swedes don’t like what’s happening to their country they can only blame themselves – not the Muslim immigrants who they invited to Sweden.

My feelings towards the conversion of Sweden to Islam is combination of amusement and amazement. Swedes naively created a gaping social vacuum. And they themselves are filling it in a manner that will probably undo everything they claim to have achieved over the past century of “Swedish progress”. I think Muammar al-Gaddafi said it best:

Gaddafi: pathetic or prophetic?

Gaddafi: pathetic or prophetic?

“There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without swords, without guns, without conquest. We don’t need terrorists, we don’t need homicide bombers. The 50+ million Muslims [in Europe] will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”

If you are interested in this subject you may want to check out the writings of Fjordman as well as those of his critics. To get a grip on the math behind the shift in demographics check out this video. It depicts the decline of indigenous populations and the influx of Muslims as one might depict an invasion from outer space. It ends with a call to all non-Muslims to “take action”. It leaves me wondering exactly what action are they referring to. Incessant copulation? Sounds like a plan to me.

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